War to Peace

War to Peace is a song that celebrates overcoming the harmful cycle of victimization.

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About the Song

I’m not lucky 

I’m not unique 

I’m going to war to find peace

Might not make sense to you

But it makes sense to me

- from "War to Peace"

Abby London's latest single, "War to Peace," is not just a song; it's a lifeline for those who have endured similar struggles. Through her powerful anthem, London shares her triumphant journey from victimization to empowerment, offering solace and strength to others who have walked a similar path.

"War to Peace" echoes London's personal battle to break free from the grip of toxic relationships, a struggle familiar to many who have faced abuse or manipulation. "It happened, it kept happening, then it didn’t happen anymore," London reflects, encapsulating the pivotal moment when she reclaimed her peace and autonomy.

In her heartfelt message, London emphasizes, "I know I’m not lucky and I’m not unique. I went to war and I found peace. Might not make sense to you but it makes sense to me," acknowledging the shared experiences of countless survivors who have fought their own battles.

The song serves as a testament to London's resilience and courage in confronting her past traumas and emerging victorious. Written as a form of catharsis, "War to Peace" mirrors London's journey through darkness towards healing and empowerment.

Recalling the inspiration behind the song, London reveals, "I remember seeing tragic story after tragic story online during #metoo. People posting so vulnerably. It was a dark time. I sat there with my laptop pondering things that had happened to me." Her words echo the collective pain and resilience of survivors everywhere.

London's path to healing involved confronting her fears and gradually rebuilding trust. "The worst was when I should have been safe with someone I trusted. I stayed away from all men after that for years. Then I went to war facing the tough circumstances head-on, letting people in one by one in public places or with a work focus. I barely even noticed bad guys after that. They didn’t look like anything to me."

For London, the success of "War to Peace" signifies more than just musical achievement; it symbolizes her triumph over adversity and her journey towards self-empowerment. "Success from this song would be the greatest revenge," she affirms. "I wasn't always in a position to fight for myself at the time of the injustice. Putting this out is my way of standing up for myself the times I missed doing it." The song offers hope to those who may still be fighting their own battles.

"War to Peace" embodies the transformative power of music and the resilience of the human spirit. With its raw emotion and empowering message, the song resonates deeply with survivors worldwide, offering a beacon of hope in the darkness.

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