I Wanna Go

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About the Song

This is a deeply personal song and tribute. "I Wanna Go" is dedicated to the memory of my cherished cousin, Lindsey. It captures the pain and loss I experienced when Lindsey passed away in February 2019.

On that fateful February day, my father delivered the devastating news of Lindsey's passing. It was the worst phone call I ever received. Though I hadn't seen Lindsey in a couple of years, there was once a time when I was closer to her than anyone else in the family.

The news was shattering, I let out a scream that echoed with the depth of my grief.

Staying with grandparents and aunts during visits to Idaho turned into a tradition marked by shared tears and conversations about Lindsey.  The loss left an indelible mark, a pain that I still grapple with, feeling as if it wasn't entirely real.

In a cathartic response to the grief, I penned "I Wanna Go" as a tribute to Lindsey for her funeral, incorporating a heartfelt poem written by her brother and sentiments expressed by other family members. The title of the song was inspired by a childhood memory shared by Lindsey's mom, encapsulates the spirit of a young Lindsey who eagerly wanted to be a part of every journey, no matter how mundane, even a trip to the dump.

"I Wanna Go" is a musical memorial, a composition that pays homage to Lindsey's life, struggles, and the love shared within the family. I hope this song not only serves as a tribute to Lindsey but also resonates with those who have experienced the profound pain of losing a loved one. I hope anyone who longs for someone whose time was cut too short can find solace in these words and melody. Music can heal.

Thank you for joining in to remember a beloved soul.

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