
A Personal Account of Resilience and Reflection

Whisper -

About the Song

In 2020, driving through Seattle became a gauntlet of uncertainty and unrest. Random aggression and traffic standstills were common, forcing residents to stay vigilant and avoid areas of planned "protests."

For months, Seattleites faced escalating disruptions and threats to their safety. Masked agitators, part of the so-called "black bloc," occupied a park, declared it autonomous, and expelled law enforcement. The chaos led to fatal shootings and further destabilization.

"The situation was chaotic and lawless," reflects Abby London. "Amid calls to defund the police, I witnessed contradictory actions. At a 'Back the Blue' rally, an Antifa supporter sought police protection, highlighting the hypocrisy in their demands."

Abby also recalls an incident involving a council member who supported defunding the police. "After voting to defund the police, someone threw poop on her doorstep. She was outraged that a full DNA investigation wasn't conducted to find the culprit," Abby explains, underscoring the inconsistency in the protestors' stance.

The movement's contradictions were evident: denouncing capitalism while fundraising online, blocking freeways under the guise of justice, yet condemning those who didn't align with their views. Such actions highlighted the need for law and order and genuine dialogue.

Moved by these experiences, Abby London was inspired to create "Whisper," a call for personal responsibility and meaningful conversation. "I believe in the potential for change," Abby shares. "Removing masks—both literal and figurative—can lead to genuine understanding and peace."

As Seattle and communities nationwide grapple with unrest, Abby London advocates for introspection and personal responsibility. "Burning and hating only perpetuate division," she asserts. "I think Antifa perpetrators should look within themselves and change their own lives instead of burning buildings down and causing dangerous situations."

For further inquiries or interviews, please contact:

Abby London


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